The ability to let go - I think that it is an important thing to learn in a person's life.
I've realized that I have a way of holding onto memories so fiercely that I block from my view the reality I'm in.
People change. Yes, it's cliche - but it's true. People evolve and move on and just cease to be the people that I know and love.
Same can be said for me. I have changed, evolved, and become a completely different person since the advent of nursing school. And I like to blame school for all of the horrors going on in my life, but it's come to a a time where I have to step back and make a decision.
I feel like I'm in the proverbial limbo in regards to what my life was like 5 years ago and now. It makes me sad to think that the blinders have been taken off and that I now see relationships and friendships in a new light. It makes me sad to say I've grown past some of the friendships/relationships that are direct causes for the memories that I have clung to. But those people have clearly moved on. And I refuse to continue feeling like those friendships define who I am.
This is a positive thing. The people I find in my life are amazing, wonderful people who have made me a better person in every sense. I need to stop holding back in reciprocating those friendships. I need to find a way to move on just like the people I've held so dear in my life have done.
I shall try to succeed in this - the letting go of the past and embracing the future. It's scary as fuck, but I think that it will ultimately bring me back to happy, and I yearn for some more happy in my life.